Sunday, 30 December 2012


   Hey guys ! Today is the last day for 2012 ! I feel times passed so fast , and I still don't want my   holidays just end like that .. Tomorrow gonna be a new year 2013 ! And gonna started back to school tomorrow .

GOD , I will be so lonely in the class , because all my friends are not same class with me ! So sad .
 But luckily still have some friends are same class with me . So I not won't be so alone lor ..

♥ Between , This gonna be a food post I think . Because I gonna post some food picture on this post .
 And one of the happy things is , I can finally post larger size picture to my blog . I love all the larger picture , LOL . AND I hope you won't feel hungry when reading . haha .

 --) So , I had my very first try sushi at SUSHI TEI , KL .. :)
 This restaurant enviroment quite nice too , but service not that nice .
Hmn, example like, the waiter need to see the Menu of the food , and write out the words one by one .You should know this is a Japanese restaurant , so all the food 's name is quite long , but she still can write out all . LOL . We need to wait for her .-.-

Okays , whatever , the food is so nice too . And price also 'nice' for sure . haha
Anyways , I also want thanks to aunty for treat me and my cousin . All cost RM 73+ like that. :)

                                                        The light with bells ! I like this feel ♥

Sushi ♥♥

                         AND very sorry too , because I forget to remember all the food name . -.-
This is very nice !!
I like this too ! ♥

                                                                             Salmon .
                                    I dono why my piao mei not so like this , but I love it much !

So here are some of our picture !

                                                                           Pick the sushi .

                                                                            With my cousin ♥

The sister !

Peace !!♥
Hope you all enjoy this short food post !
AND Remember follow me yah -  !
Goodbye 2012 !! Say Hello To Happy 2013 tomorrow ♥ ^^ ! Wish u all the best in the new year !♥
♥---------2013 , please be a good year to me !--------♥

Friday, 28 December 2012

X-Mas Celebrations With My Girls !

 Hello ALL !♥♥
I had the best christmas celebrations this year .♥ Very thanks to my girls for Let me have A Happy and memorable christmas . Love you girls . We enjoy , We talk and We laugh .
I wanna show you , my outfit for the day first .
It's just simple ootd .
                                                                The moustache family .
                                                                Necklance and ring♥

AND I also wan thanks to daddy for brought a new camera on that day 25/12 , so I can bring along that day . We all enjoy snap picture with the new camera , luckily I bring the camera that day..

Will introduced my new camera on next post :) Stay turned yah , This is really a good and cheap camera . ( You can see the camera on some picture )


For Christmas , what is the happy things for you ?
Let me guess , izit is when recieved the christmas present ?
Haha , for me , yes !

WE dun have the changing present season on our gathering , so sad !
But I am so happy too because can get new school bag from my mummy , new phone cover (present won from facebook ) . This is really enough , Thanks !

Okays , Let picture Talk . ♥
Picture A LOT here , so be patient and read it finished !
(AND some picture quality become bad because of the picture size .)
Haiz , anyone have any idea for larger picture ?
Here are the food that we ordered !
I just snap my myshroom soup only , the other food picture are taken by Wan Jing .
Mushroom soup
Tomyam kuey tiao

Keropok lekok
Next , It's our girls picture time !♥
Really so enjoy taking picture with the new camra , because .....have FRONT CAMERA !
With  Vivian ♥
With Shu QI ♥

With Celine ♥

Taken by Yen Ling's Note 2 front camera :)

Shu Qi with Celine.
She keep saying Ceine leng zai , LOL .
Celine , Wan Jing and ME !♥ 
See my smile , LOL .
This was like : OI , WHY YOU CAPTURE ME ? HAHAHA

                                                             Finally have A normal one picture ♥
With Wan Jing ♥
This is taken by her camera .
I like this picture ♥
With Yen Ling ♥

Capture by Front camera by Note 2
With Angel ♥
Just found out this picture .
Dono who capture this loh while me and Gel taking picture ..
With Ying Yee!
                                                     Post up one of her picture here .
                                              Camera have a lot of her picture , ishh..

Mirror mirror ~♥

The picture I most like ♥
                                                                              Three of us !! ♥
Funny Picture with Vian and Celine  !
Banyak pattern ! ♥

                                                                 Arghhh , open our mouth .
                                                                       Show our teeth ..

 Blek, blek

Before end our gathering , Let take picture to be our memories !
All these picture are set timer 10 second , so we didn't get help from the waiter , just I need to run and set for the timer .. I still remember I need to ran faster , and rush to my place taking picture . LOL, What A nice memories ! ^^
1# Normal Picture
2# Pull each other ear
3 # Flower pattern
4 # Funny face post
5 # Let Smile !!
(Pictute quality become bad because of the picture size)
Should have A christmas feel picture !
So here are , edit by Angel ! <3
All look so cute . (I am the last one ^^)

So this is my christmas celebrations post !
What A happy Christmas I had in this year :)

I hope you enjoy reading , Thank you !