Thursday, 21 February 2013

Flash Back - CNY 2013 post !

Omg time passed really fast , Sunday gonna be chor 15 , the Last day in CNY already !
I think is really enough to recieved the angpau , and I just save my angapu money into bank this morning.

Let talk about my CNY 2013 !

Midnight 3 day [ Reunion dinner ,Chor 1 and Chor 2] at my grandmum house .

--) CHOR 1
So sad that the line at there are suck , sometimes cant sms , and even cant online for sure !!
I just can online when down to my ah Cho house , That is 1 hour between with my grandmum house.

Finally have a chance snap a family portrait !
I got post it !
{We also snap with grandmum , picture are not post here . ps)

The most lovely person in my world .
My mummy and daddy !

                                      Nobody help us to snap picture , so we just ........ Set Timer !
                                                          Ready , 8 , 9 , 10 ...... Say cheese .... ^^

The middle one is my big brother , left hand side one is my Second brother . I am the most smaller hehe! 

Yo , Thanks dad for capture this . Like !
Really in love with my galaxy top

Self shoot time ! [ A lot of my picture]
Forget to say ..
I iron my hair a bit bob like that , by myself .. Like this type of hairstyle !

Yerr ingnore the messy hair under the sunlight .
                                              Just a spikey hairband and become a necklance .

Should capture with the super mini / cute mineral water .
Pose pose .

                                                              No edit my pimple . Original ~
                                                                    I want angapu from you ! haha

                                         And also just take this chance capture with my brother
                                                             We finally snap togther , LOL .

Yerr act cute punya brother , hahaha

See the daddy become photobooth at behind me . [ Half face only , sorry daddy ]


Thanks brother help me to capture !

Shoes for that day ..

Enjoy eating ...

Mask Time in night ..

                                                        CHOR 2 - Just simply wear a moustache shirt

                                                          Go pai nian lor ... angpau angpau
With my two cute newphew !

Had barbeque at my grandmum house at night ..
See this two cutie just know want to play only .

[ CHOR 3 already post at my lastest post , u guys can check it ]

--) CHOR  4
Went to my friend 's house pai nian .
No take any picture with frenz . haiz

Go with Pei Jia 's car
                                                               One picture me with Jia ..
                                                               Self shoot picture  of us in the car .

                                                                  Reach house early that night .
                                                                  pimple come out on my nose .

                                                                               A kiss for you .

Cloth that I wear that day .
Like the spikey and with bit of 'fu gu' style.

                                                                        Just this all for my Chor 4 .
                                                                                 Chor  5
                                                         Oppa gangnam style short for that day .

Night have a family gathering in Restaurant .

                                                                         Food for that day .

People time !

                                                                    Brother with his girlfriend .
                                                                       See pei jia face like ghost . haha

                                                            Again 2 self shoot picture of me .

                                          CHOR  6 nothing to do , just went to MCD with mummy
Outfit of that day .

                              The apple with word ! Special !haha , this is really my first time see that .
                                          Someone give to us one boxes , Dad say it a bit expensive ..

                                                        Always sleep late during my holiday .
                                                               See my 3 a.m nurd face !!
                                                     The eye is getting smaller and smaller . haha

                                       I think should have a try with all this just order facial eye mask .
                                                               Recieved it after 3 day .
                                                                         Will try soon !

Waiting for so long , my parcel is just recieved !
(Another parcel is still not yet recieved , one month ady ! )
The online shop said I can get my clothing before CNY , and just need 15 days .?!
But wait for so long lorr , and I didn't get to wear it for the first -Third day of CNY . :(
Clothing are inside .
Order three , but just get two , because one of that are out of stock .

(The Long tee , Quality not bad . ) LIKE 80 % :)

Just this all for my CNY post ..
Hope you will enjoy reading !

Last but not least , post out to you guys two peace picture from me !
Remember always smile and peace YEAHHH !

BYEBYE Chinese new year , And Hello to March And Exam soon !! :(