Friday, 5 September 2014

20 facts of me ! Read it .

  Seem like (20 facts of me) are now too popular , and I have been tagged by my friend , Celine / Shu Qi / Xinyu . Thank you for the tags , I am now just write about it because I just repair my phone.
And just realise u guys have tags me on instagram . Anyways , I gonna write it on here and post the same one on my fb . But , I just will do another different one 20factsofme and post it on my instagram .hehe

Ok , Let start now !

1#  I love my family so much . They're just so important to me .
2#   Appreciate the every moment when together with him . Thanks for treat me like a princess

3# Love outing with my bestie . They are the person who can me laugh happily .
4# Had a canon DSLR . I hope to have a photo shooting about me , and together with my friends.
5# Love travelling . Camera can't be less when I went to travelling.
6 # Love to planning somethings , like what I gonna do in holidays or planning about the birthday celebration
7# Actually, I very love DIY things such like make a birthday card / photo-booth things.

The birthday card that I make for him !
8# I will not smile to the people I dono. I am sorry.
9# You will know I am a crazy person if you know me well.
10# Always hope to have a trip with my bestie
11 # I cannot running because I have Asthma since when I am small.
12 # I need to have my favourite baby pillow with me when I sleep , If not i cannot sleep well.
13 # I feel shy talk to the person that I dono.
14# I am lazy eat when I am hungry . Lol.
15# Get a new selfie camera / new laptop is my next target for myself.
16 # Hope can improving my driving skill .( Also hope can pass my drive test)
17# Love a boy who know to caring and make surprise.
18 # I hate no talking or chit-chat when outing.
19# Love to make everyone beside me happy .
20#  Hope will have people accompanied me celebrate my birthday every year . Just don't let me alone !

                                                         Just That All . Hope you enjoy reading .
                                                                     Thank you , xoxo !

Long update !!

Oh Hi ! I know I have disappear for so long ! Such as one year I didn't blog I think.
Yeah , forgive for my laziness ! I felt so sorry to my blog and myself .
Excually , I tried hard to keep update my blog . But after I blog until half , I am lazy to continue and just save it. Haiz
Sososo , here come the first post on this year ! What I am gonna to blog , is just blog about what had just happened in this half year ..

I had a very happy birthday celebration / Recieved a instax mini camera / Face SPM examination soon / Will be in the school for last year / Blessed to had him in my life ..... and more .

                                                                          The dessert

                                                                    Korean BBQ

                                                                  Photo Booth TIME !
                                                                 Love all the picture . 

Everyone are happy play with the photo-booth .
Between , All the photo booth prop I make it :)

Happy 17th Birthday !

                                                                   Just all of these for today .
                                                       The line is just too slow ,can't uploud more picture.
                                                            Hope you enjoy reading , Thank you :)

                                                  -----) Next post about Instaxmini8 Camera . Stay turne