Monday, 24 September 2012

The post about hatyai part 3 ! ♥♥

Yesss , I have time to update my blog again . But I am using phone to update , cause is more easy to post the picture that on my phone and I Am lazy to open the laptop too ^^

The bad things that using phone to update , is the writing too small , can't
change the size of writing . Someone help me ??

Alright , since I am free today , so today I want write about the hatyai trip . I want to call it as hatyai part 3 , but where the part 2 going ? Haha , shhh. All the part 2 picture is on the laptop , so I will update is as fast as I can ♥

Here some picture I gonna share with you . ❤♥
--- before reach to hatyai , have a rest time at petronas 7eleven .

Then , after two hours , finally reach !
Have my lunch at the shopping mall .

After the lunch , we check in the hotel . Have a big rest at hotel because dad is tired driving . "Lou dao, xing ku Le !

The self - capture picture before going to "Floting Market " ...

The next dayy , shopping day .. I brought to myself A new black spectecal . I like it so much . :)

And here some picture taken at the temple . What a beautiful place !!

Alright , just finish post the pictures . But using the phone update , sometimes the picture is not according .so will be a bit blur when u see the picture , sorryyyy ..

Bye bye , enjoy reading ! ♥♥✋

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