Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Cousin Weeding ! Short post :)

Hello all ! ❤ Now using my phone to update my blog . Really hope can using phone to upload picture .. Because my blog can't upload picture anymore. ! Haiz ,so disappointed !

Okays , Let update about my cousin wedding . ❤ Like so finally my cousin just married . I am so happy to her , finally she can find her true love , I hopes she stay sweet forever , and faster give birth ! Haha

I just post some picture here , wait my blog can upload picture , I sure will post all picture .  I have capture so many picture , because I am the camera girl for that day ! Hehe

                                                    Cutting cake times ! You both should stay sweet forever !

My little princess ! Love you :)

The wedding car finally coming !

The cake for engagement :)

Just post some picture here ..
I will try using flickr to uploud picture :)
Wish me luck , Goodbye !

Bad moood ~ BAD November!


I am in bad mood now ... WTH to me nowsday ?! I feel so hate to myself  , doing what things also not successfully .. Arghh .. The feeling is so bad ! Too bad !! I wish have ppl on my side now , and listen to me .

1 # Quarrel with my dad .. Dad bought me a new computer mouse today . I tell him so long time already , just only a mouse , but he can keep until today just bought it ..He always like this , always want some things from him , he will say ' wait lea , wait lea' .. DAD , Dono started from what day , I lost your trust ady , I can't believe what you say to me , or what u say u willl do to me . Sorry , I am not a good daughter .  But , I just hopes you can listen to what ppl said . Not after ppl telling you the truth , and you scold ppl ! Like today , you ask me either the mouse can use or not , I just tell you that the mouse not so nice to use because the button like wan drop already . AND after you listen this , You keep scold me . Said , 'I hate to buy things to you , always keep complaining , I don wan buy thing to you anymore ! DAFUQ ! Is you asked me first , but after ppl telling you , you scold ppl ! Please tell me , I did what wrong ???!

Parent always thought they are in fact , but they are wrong !

Please remember you have your son and daughter in house , Don't just know to work at outside, and  never care about them !

Monday, 19 November 2012

Moody / ( Bukit Merah waterpark Part 2 )

Say Hi to all lovely blogger again ^^ .. I'm back again , sorry for lose many days ...-.- I feel sorry , but not my fault , because my house cable have been stole , so until today I just can online.
So happy right now .. Like finally I can blog , facebook and instagram .
But it's still boring lar , but better than don't have wifi , right ?
---- MOODY 0_0 -----
I try to keep update my blog , I hope will have some reader read my blog after I finish update my blog .. :(
But Sometimes I feel so upset , when see my view list that just got 2 /3 ppl view my blog .
Is make me no mood to blog again , but I still want to thanks to the 2/3 ppl that who read my blog . Thanks so much ! :) I hope I know who are u >< (So Pls Let me knw u!)
No more moody anymore please ..
At least I can share my experience , my happy , my memories to the ppl who likes read my blog .
Let Back To The Topik !
--------Bukit Merah Waterpark Part 2 -----
My Bukit Merah post is still not yet finish update , so today continue update it until finish :)
So Below picture are taken at outdoor one ..
ALL this game need to buy token .

                                                     Duck , duck .. This is damm hard one .

And then , we have a plan . Emn , what plan ? Let me tell you , We went to the 'Laketown Famous Haunted House ' ... Omg , really so scared !! WTF , no more next time .. And we are so disappointed too , not about we scared or what , but actually we think that this is got the train one , u know ?
But who know when go inside , we need to walk by ourself .. SO LAZY , u know ?! Okays .
Okays , I just take this picture only , because inside is too dark ..
But after I check my camera , I had record video when inside the Haunted House .
LOL , just how many second video only , but feel funny when watch it . hahaha

The ticket is just RM 6 , you need to extra pay , this is not include inside the waterpark ticket .
And then , we walk to sit the ' Chair Lift Ride ' . This is also include in our ticket .

                                                                        Hmn , It's look like that .
                                                       A bit like cable car , I not scared when sit this .
                                                                    We still can take picture , LOL

Not scared at all , hahaha ..
Feel so excited when can see all the place that in Bukit Merah here.

Show you guys , how was the waterfall look like . It's nice , but We didn't play.
Because is too hot , so a bit waste money lor .


                             After that , we stopped at one place . This place is near the Bukit merah Laketown apartment .. Damm nice , picture are on below . I guess the price also not bad . :)


    After  Edit .

Last picture before we leave there , Goodbye Bukit merah !
We also had our Ais Batu Kacang , before we leave there .
Not bad too , just need RM 3.50 .
The price is kinda cheap then other waterpark .

 Lastly , Goodbye to all blogger !
This post is just post many picture and some caption only .
I no mood to blog more , LOL . Sorry ><
But , I try to update more :)
So wait for my next post ! :)
'Pe_ _ _ _  post ! '
Goodbye , Love .  Enjoy your day , xoxo

Friday, 16 November 2012

Bukit Merah Laketown Waterpark ! ♥♥

                                                    Ohh haiyo , Picture taken at Laketown waterpark .
                                                                                        I like this ♥♥
                                          ♥♥ ----------------------------------------------------------♥♥

Say Hello to my blog and all lovely blogger !♥ What I want to say now is , I miss my blog ,Facebook and instagram so much ! (Why so miss leh ? ) Because my house cable kena stole by malay ppl !

WTF ~ Not only my house lah ,but is the whole taman ! You can't imagine your life don't have wifi to connect to internet ! Really like lost contact with this world !

Omg , I am now in this problem lor , my life are fucking boring , plus now is holiday ~ I dono what I can do anymore in da house .

Haiz , what I can do now is just waiting for someone to repair the cable , wireless . But today is already the fifth days. (So now I just at cousin'house online -.-) #Sad Holiday .

----------------) Okays , Back to the topik ! 'Bukit Merah Laketown Waterpark' (---------------

And Yeah I already mentioned on my lastest post , I had went to Ipoh , and then just direct down to Bukit Merah  . (Check it out , for more clearly)
After check out hotel , we had our breakfast first , And that just start our journey to Bukit Merah .
It's take us like 1 hours like that , I not so sure too . You need to ask the driver . ^^

                         It's so boring while waiting for my mum and dad , so we just taking picture ..♥
                                            Omg taking picture with the still sleepy face , IDONCAREE . -.-

Picture , picture ♥♥

                                                                           ♥  This still okay . ♥
Look at our still sleepy face -.-

The view outside of my hotel ;)

                                                                 Why are she standing there ? LOL
She got herself a bigbang Alive tee at Gerbang Malam yesterday .
So cheap , quality not bad too .

                                                                 So call us maybe ? ♥♥

                            Look at here sleepy face , she still want to sleep , so she lay on the bed .
                                           But after that she get scold from grandfather . You know why ?!
                        Because after she wake up , her black shirt become white white with dust . LOL

                                                                How was it ? Still nice ? ♥♥

                                                                  So here my outfit of that day .♥
                                                    Moustache tee + Leapord short . MY LOVE ♥♥
In the car ♥♥ I feel boring ...

                                                         AND FINALLY HERE !! ♥ YEAHHH !

                                                     Welcome to Bukit Merah Laketown Waterpark ! ♥♥
         I will be your not profesional 导游 for one day , so you can go complain me after that . LOL
                                               ----) The ticket for Laketown Waterpark ♥
                            The ticket are all different one , you can choose which one you prefer to .
                                    The ticket are given on 3 group , look down for more information .

                                                  1) Ticket just for waterpark only . (No include another )
                                          2) Ticket for waterpark + Eco Combo + Chair life ride/ cycling
                                   3) Ticket for waterpark + Eco Combo + Chair life ride and visit orang utan

        So my ticket is number 2 , because before I already visit the orang utan . (Nothing special)
                   And the price I forget jor , But the price for 2 ticket (number 2 ) + one ticket for my grandfather is all cost RM 180 ++ ..  So you think this is cheap or expensive ?

Check for the ticket .

                                                                      So , Let walk inside !


                                                          And then we go toilet change our clothing .
Glasses picture that taken with my phone , a bit dark .

#2 ♥♥

Glasses picture taken with my camera . Spot the different o not .

            Walk , walk around here . And we walk until here . Wow , What A Beautiful Sea here .!

                                                                           Nice view ~♥♥

                                                              Look like picture frame hor .
                             Cousin dont dare to take picture at here , so she just helped me capture .

She just standing there . LOL

               Daddy is so relaxing . See the beautiful sea , and thinking back the beautiful memories .

                                                           Post 2 camho picture of my cousin .

                                                                            Hot summer ~ ♥♥

                                                           A 'sepak pose ' to all of you !
                                                           Playing with something funny pose .
                                                          But ingnore the fat leg nah -.-
Last picture for end of this post ~ ♥♥
'I have a nice day at here ' !♥

Oh yeahh , I still have some picture about chair life ride / waterfall and playground picture and more dind't share with you all yet .
So I just will update it on next post lahh . So stay turned for the next post ! ♥♥
More surprise to youuuu ! ♥
Goodbye all reader ! Hope you enjoy this post ! ♥

*Do leave your comment here , if you like this post or whatever ♥♥  I will reply you :) !