(Love the sunlight ♥ Aloha!! )
Hey guys ! ♥ So I am here coming to update my blog again , blog about my family IPOH trip. I went to Ipoh midnight , and then direct down to Bukit Merah . (Bukit Merah post later just update .)
The trip is really so rush , rush and really rush !! Just a one night trip, and is really not enough !
But it's okay , I still have time to shopping , and so lucky too because I still can meet with HONG KONG ACTOR / ACTRESS (Astro On Demand) and MALAYSIA SINGER too !
Well , before that I also got see Astro keep promote an event about 'Astro On Demand ' Hong Kong actor and some of Malaysia singer will coming to Ipoh on the Friday . So how lucky am I , I also went to Ipoh too on the Friday . ^^
But , The time is really so rushhhh ! Damm it . You know o not , From here (Kelantan) to (Ipoh) is need almost six hour to arrived . So we wake up in the early morning , and start with our journey .
Here some picture taken at the shell , that can see the mountain .
The mountain are so nice , but please ingnore the rubbish -.-
Boring in the car . So I just wear my glasses and take some picture .
Our shoes ♥♥ Pink is mine .
I like the colour of this pictue . So shark .
Taken with my dad 's galaxy note
Breakfast in the car ^^
Had my lunch first , At Grik .
Still like 3 hours more to reach IPOH .
AND yeah this is the event at Ipoh Parade one . (What I said just now)
--) The stage
*You can just see the picture/name on the board , who are coming on that day ..
So went I arrived to Ipoh , my first thing to do is not checked in hotel first , but is direct went to Ipoh Parade ! LOL . (Mentioned again) Time is so rush ~ So just went to there first . Is quite late when went to there , it's like already 1.30pm . So you can see so so many people are already at there !
Wahh , Is really no place already to let u stand there to see the event . So what I have do is , just 挤进去 , 一直跟人挤 , 挤到我看到为止 . LOL , luckily I still can see a bit clearly , can take some picture too.
The event start with Malaysia singer singing a few song . All the song is likes the the On Demand drama 's 主题曲, 'hen hao ting' .. Then , is the time to playing game with the singer .
Is really so boring because they use so longer time to playing games.. AND seriously is super hot too ! Because need to 挤 with so many people ..
No more introduced , just see the board on the back nah .
Luckily this picture is not so blur .
Playing Game time .
It's take time like 1 hours , I think ?!
I through it's so bored , so my cousin and I just leave there , and go shpping first .
And that , I just go find my mum and dad , and cousin just leave me and she walk around .
Then , then , I recieved a call from her .
She told me the Hong Kong Actor /actress is already coming.
LOL .Still wait what ?! I run quickly to the down floor , to see them ..
Luckily they still not going back .
But when I am there , they look like want to go back jor. Keep say thank you already-.-
So just see them 10 minutes . But 10 minutes also enough , at least I can meet them jiu hao .
'Ku Ming Wah ' , is really so cute ! I like he so much .
LOL is time to say goodbye !
Giving Gift time ~
Can you see Ku Ming Wah face ? He is givng some gift .
But the electric wire is crop dao his face . LOL
After the event end , we just went to Thai there .
Here are sells many clothing and food from Thailand one ..
Not so nice this tomyam seafood mi fen . #RM 5
Mangoes Juice . # RM 3.50
Then , continue our shopping ~
Here a shop that inside Ipoh Parade -- 'MR DIY'A shop that sells A LOT OF THINGS , You really can find anythings in this shop .
Yesss , how about the price in this shop ??
ALL things are in low prices!
Really so cheap what , best buy !
Some cute things that I just capture . Emn , RM 19.90 .
But I din't buy it , this is for what ?. Decorate ?!
AND , Crocodile !
LOL I am too boring when I already choose finish the things that I want .
LOL , please spot the new moustache ring that I just buy just now .
So , Here I gonna show you what that I have brought in 'Mr DIY ' shop .
Cant believe I brought this all things in low price . Really so low ! ^^
#1 --) Black Big Glasses
#2 Pink Big Glasses
# 3 --) 4 type of cute minipol ear cap
So this is how the minipol ear cap look like with my phone .
--) Donut .--) Lip .
----) Biscuit
This is How I look when wearing the new buy glasses .
* Have you noticed my phone's new ear cap ?
I choose cute chocolate donut .
# 4 --) Cute heart liquid , Cousin bought this .
Can you see the price ? Just RM 2.30 only ( Double)
#5 --) Colourful paper note
Try to open it . Let see how is look like .
Nah , so colourful hor . Not bad too . It's so easy to make note :)
Price ? RM 3.50 (So cheap right ?) ♥♥
# 6 --) Heart chocolate eraser
This look like real chocolate !
So beautiful right ?
SO How much for this ? !
Just RM 3.00 , will you use this or just keep it ? :)
Can eat ? !
LOL , it's ERASER !
So , cannot eat -.-
Okays , no more picture with chocolate eraser -.-
SO this is what I bought with really cheap price ..♥♥
The decoration that just simple took .
We went to the pasar malam , called it as ' Gerbang Malam' at night ...
Gerbang Malam have A lot of famous chicken rice restaurant ..
All this restaurant are so many people , so you need to wait it .
Like so finally , we just got our places . Dafuq. (I already so hungry !)
So this is our dinner !! The famous / Yummy Chicken Rice !
We have 5 people , so cost us almost RM 50 ++ like that ...
Daddy is talking while eating . And I capture it . LOL
Here a self -capture picture taken at outside the Hotel .
Last but not least , A picture of my outfit for my ending post .
So , I hope you will like it :)
Dono it can see o not , Just try . :)
So just wait for my next post :) !
I will update it since I have time and line are good . Huh /.\
* Do leave comment here , If you like this post ♥♥ I will reply you :)!
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