Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Beach dayyy !

                           Yeahhh , so here come my new post  , is about 'Beach Day ' !
     Excually , I ready to overnight there , done keep finish my things bring to beach for overnight .
       But , the plan is change after that .. Yen ling and me not decide overnight there ..
 Because  the bed is not enough for some frenz that come form TM sleep , so we just cancel our plan , and just going back home on that night ;)

        Reach there at 1pm , boring die for waiting the frenz who take bus from TM to come here ...
                 It's really so boring and the weather is very hot .. Feel wanna slepping .. :(
    So , me and yen ling two people just went to the beach for don't want wait at the lobby anymore ...

   And here come some picture just wan share with youuuu !
     Beach , here we are !!   Since so long didn't went to there already ! Miss it :(

       Swimming pool .
Using the effect of my camera - 'fish eye' . Picture come out so pretty using this effect .

Coconut tree .

Original picture .
After using 'fish eye ' capture this .

Go green , touch it !

Hold it , I won't let you go anymore ..

Yeahhhh , my handbag is so nice ! Vintage is love .

Wear my DIY galaxy shoes that day , super like !!

Feel the way . Nature are the best !
Some picture of Yen Ling taken by me :)

                                                     Hehe , she dono I snap her with this post .

The river ...

                                                                        This is so pretty !
This is edit and snap by my phone .

We have so less selca picture the day , because the wind is too big .
Messy hair is come out on my picture ...
This is the most nice .

                                                              This fail . Pimple is so clearly /.\

                                 Last but not least , post up my last picture with this messy hair .
                                                                                    So cool ? hehe
Goodbye , Hope you enjoy reading . :)
Let welcome February after two day .
Wish you guys enjoy your January :)

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Update ! Clothing shooting ! ♥

Hey guys , I just found somethings to blog ! ♥ tehee , It's just a simple shooting ..
I just online booking  clothing from 'tao bao ' , and some clothings is not arrived yet...
So , just did some shooting , because my frenz want to see it , and I also want to know either suit me or not ...

The final answer , is ......
The first cloth ,  I don't like it at all .. It's so much different with the picture I look before ..
Idk why infront the dress need to put buttons , It's look more ugly with it .

Luckily the second cloth , I like it at ~ This is look so much better than the first one ..♥

So , you guys just enjoy the picture by reading more now !
All picture it's just simple taken by Samsung DV300f :)

                       ( A very rush simple shooting , with no lens , and a simple hair syle )

Sorry for the blur picture .

The second top .

Close eye is the better post for shooting , if no wearing lens ^^

Weird look , with no lens .

Post up 2 of my silly / cute ? picture . hehe

                                                                             Piggy .><

                                                           The picture I most like ! ♥

                                                                                After edited .. ♥

                                                                            1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ~ ♥

I like this too ! ♥
( Always remember to smile yahh ! )

                                              Last but not least , goodbye to all my dear frenz !
                                    Later going beach overnight , so wait for my next post ~♥

                                                      Hope you enjoy reading , Thank you !♥