Tuesday, 8 January 2013

All About 2012 ! ♥

Taken with the biao mei's baseball jacket , are u still want to see more baseball pic? :)
Yeah , Like finally 2012 just passed , and now it's already the third day of 2013 .
Omg , time really passed so fast , can't believe that I already form 4 now , need to learn so many subject like , Perdagangan , account and more..  Hell ~ all will be a new beginning to me ~ All start from step by step .. :) So , Will be more hardworking this year :p !!♥

Alright , All back to topik . ~ I just found out some of my 2012 picture in my photo album . I don't want to delete it , so just choose some of them and post it here ♥ !

2012 , a best memories year to me . I celebrate , I going travel , I play , I snap ... I do , enjoy this year so much !♥ So , I just share with you some picture with a little bit caption . I will try to flash back when it's happend ..... LOL

26/6 June -- I won't forget this date , because this is my birthday date . ♥ I had my birthday celebrations with my mummy , and some of my nursery teacher . :) Thanks so much with a very suprise capuccino cake !  ♥

My 14th birthday . ♥
June holiday -- Ipoh trip with my family .♥ We visited  极乐洞 for the first times , inside there got so many 'bat ' , because it's really so dark .. We also takes some picture at there :)
Some of the picture :)
 'guang ying niang niang' .
'Wishes pool ' , I forget to make a wish at there . I just remember to takes picture -.-

♥ ♥

   November holidays ---) Went to Bukit Merah Laketown Waterpark . It's been so many years I didn't go to there play already  . I still remember when my first time went there is at 2005 year , 9 years old.
So , here also change a lot already ..

                                                                             Outdoor !♥

                                                           Bought my glasses at Hatyai . Like !
Novemeber 14/11 , Biao jie finally married ! We all are so happy to her . ♥But I feel so sad too because she gonna leave us , and live at Johor .She stay at my house for 8 years already . How can I not going miss her ? Whatever ,  She will started her new life at Johor with her husband , I wish everythings going fine there ♥.
Dad , Grandad , biao jie , grandmum , me and mummy ♥
With biao jie , wish you sweet sweet forever ! ♥ 
And my floral dress get from Hatyai , only need RN25 .
December - Penang trip with parents ♥

    Pagoda , what a pretty place for taking picture .
    I also wanna thanks to dad for be my camera man ♥

Model feel ? haha ♥

Finally have a chance meet with 'Penang Famous wall' . hehe
For sure should take some picture to be memories !

                                                           I most love this wall ! So cute what !♥

December - Have done with my pastel roses nail , Just need RM35
So pretty and cheap , Love it !♥

I will miss you pastel nail ! T_T

December : My first time DIY my black shoes to Galaxy colour shoes !
DONE !! Nice or not ?
My frenz all like it , how about you ?
I also will make a tutorial for this galaxy shoes ~ So stay turned ..!
And I also will try to DIY my other stuff like my phone cover , watch and so on.
December 25/12 -- Christmas party with my girls !
I love them ♥
We enjoy our night so much !

December 25/12 - Glad that dad brought a camera for himself and I also can use for sure ^^
 I love using this camera to snap picture , because this camera got selca function !
AND this camera is also very cheap only !~
Will intoduced this camera on next next post soon . !♥

                                                Picture taken from the infront camera , nice not ?♥
December -- Went to KL with my aunty and cousin them .
Thanks so much to cousin's ah pek for let us overnight at his house , so we can save money and no need to stay hotel ..
For the last day in KL , We went to Sepang Gold Coast .
We didn't overnight there , but luckily also can go inside to snap picture.
Inside is really so pretty , Love it so much !

                               Goodbye there , hope can went there and overnight there again  !
Pink Christmas Tree !

I also recieved my christmas present from a facebook page .
So happy because I get one more new phone cover !

                                     Here is the bellet phone cover with bling bling things !♥
December 19-23 /12 --- Xue JI 25th camp located at Kelantan this year .
It's just so near with my house only , just need 10 minutes.
I enjoy this camp so much , and know more new friends too in this camp !
实地采访 --- 采访 about 草药 . (I am the most taller )

 My group in this year ! Our last day together enjoy our lunch , so must take picture .
(I am at the left hand side , standing one )

The Last night 回乡夜 . All 学海之友 senior will gathering together in the night .
Buffect night , and enjoy the perfomunce from all place xue ji .
Our Kelantan xue ji have perfomunce like Korean feel dancing .
My group is need to dance 2NE1 , I am the best , and one more is SEXY LOVE.
The picture I most like ♥ haha
Finally have a picture with him , my last year camp group learder .
He is also so friendly , from dungun one.
ALL IN SPEC ! haha
you can see my face look so fat , because I eat too much in camp .

                                                                 Picture with my group 辅导员 ♥
                                                             He is so good , glad to know he :)
 Thanks for this 4day 3 night take care us . Always remind us to drink more water and help us to take water :) Idk why my face so cool here , ish .
Xue Ji 25th camp family picture ♥
Spot me in first role from down , left hand side count from num 13 .
We all are so surprice too when we know our group can get first price from 10 group !
You guys are the best . !♥
And this picture also come out in newspaper .
So goodbye all ! Hope you enjoy reading this !♥♥
Wish you have a happy 2013 , and all the best yoh ~

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