Saturday, 23 March 2013

2203 Teddy Ryan B'day Party

Hello , It's me :)

Happy Holidays To all of you !
I already attend 2 friends 's birthday party in this holidays .
One is Harn Yie , and the other one is Teddy :)
'HAPPY BIRTHDAY '  again .

AND , Mum say this tuesday we will went to KL and Genting :)
Oh yeahhhh , already so long didn't went to Genting play already .
I gonna enjoy this time travel gao gao !

Back to the topik , We celebrate H.Yie birthday at GOLDEN BEAN .
And Teddy is at Steamboat there again .
So here I just want to update about Teddy birthday first , because H.Yie punya pic have a lot .

Teddy just with us 10 minutes like that , because he need to go bck and celebrate with his parent.
Anyway , The boys have decide to give him surprice with - Birthday Cake .
But sadly , when he open the boxes , inside is not Teddy's cake ...
LOL , maybe is the worker give wrong cake to them ,inside is a child's cake with many biscuit and cartoon.
So funny and all are laughing .!
Okays , the boys are so good . They ride motorcycle and went to change the cake .
Luckily the cake is not yet taken by other .

So , Finally Teddy's cake is back . haha  (Long story )

                                                                                                 Steamboat again -.-

Okays here is the cake ! haha

AND FINALLY , the shop is give us surprice lor , not just Teddy .
They close some lamp , and put some rock song . LOL
All are us cheh kia awhile , and continue singing birthday song to Teddy .
All the customer stop eating , and looked at us.
Haha , gosh paiseh you know .!

Anyway , still need to Thanks for the shop punya surprice . haha

                                                                          The cake is giving to .........
                                                                           Teddy !!

                                                                           Wahhh sweet smile .

                                                             Group picture first before he bck . :)
                                                            Teddy with me ,The birthday boy ;)
                                                              Picture with AH MAN ;)
Then we just walk to 'UP2YOU'  enjoy for our dessert .

--)  3 picture with Ah Qii babe :)

----) Jia !

                                                                ---) With AH Man again :)

                                                     --) With Jian Sheng . ( I looked dark. ><)

                                             Haha He say don't wan , but also looked at camera .

                                                          One selca picture at the shop :0

                                                       Another one selca picture at house ><

                                                             Lastly , here my ootd :)
                                                               Hope you enjoy reading !
                                                   Goodbye and stay turned for another post :)

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