Thursday, 18 October 2012

Food post ~ I Love , I Eat , I Enjoy ! ♥

Haiyooooo , You can guess that what I gonna to blog today ..  ♥
It's about ---) Food Post !!

Yeah , I Love food so much ! Eat is a big part of my life . 能吃就是福 , you should understand that .
Are you also same to me ?! Love to eat , but scared will be fat ?! So , I now so fat ...><

Alright , I now will post some food/ drink picture about what I like to eat , or what I eat ..♥
Please don get angry , if you now hungry . haha
(Some picture maybe u have see before , but please see it 1 more time )

                                    Here are a new restaurant that just opening , first try :)
                        The price is a bit expensive , but the restaurant 's decoration /food is nice ♥
                           (I just take some picture in the restaurant , but no taking the food 's picture. So sorry -.-)

The first view of the restaurant , I love that ! ♥

                           And their so many diffrent types of wallpaper , But I just took This one ...
Paris Wallpaper :)
Mummy ♥


 I love their tomyam :)

Self- capture while wating for the food .

A last picture before going back ♥
                                              Post about my dinner .
--) ayam paprik , favourite tomyam , telur dadar
It's I no think wrong , all are just about RM 12 only .
So full and cheap .
This is home-cook by grandfather ♥
The only person who know to cook , because my mum /dad is dono how to cook one .
----) chili+kangkung , favourite lala , eggs , chicken
                                                          Simple dinner , but all are nice :)
Sometimes also will have 'crab' as my dinner .
Super double love !♥

                                                  having dinner at the chinese 's restaurant .
                                                   ----) campur- vegetables , 紫菜汤,kicap 肉
                               The price is above RM 23 or 25 like that , also not so expensive
                                           Also can say as 老地方 already , cause always going there.

Bak kut tehhhhh ~
RM 12 for one person , not everytime eat lah .
 I got hear ppl say that dont always eat bak kut teh , because it also not so good for our healty.
But not also cant eat lah , understand ? :)

                          Izzit you also same with me , cant tahan when see the chicken /porks?
So , the next station is Restoran Tauge ayam LOU WONG , at Ipoh one ..
It's open at the pasar malam there ..
You can go try , when you going to Ipoh , not baad too :)


Fish ball soup
And , now I want to introuced to you , '士林' . This .--)
                                                                    Direct order on the counter .
                                                      I also got order their XXL crispy chicken超大鸡排
                                                         (It's really big , but I forget to captured it )

麻油面线 , Not so like the taste .
(The table got paste the 'XXL Crispy Chicken' picture , you can see there)
                                                                             Tian bu la .

I forget this called wat already , but taste not bad too :)
You can go try if you go to Ipoh shopping mall , But I think KL also got .
So , Will be stop here
My food post is still not finish to post , so stay turn for the part 2
Goodbye , you are be loved!

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