I hope I can daily update , but I can't . Why , Why ?! LOL.
Some reason because of - 1) Didn't have enough time 2)The line damm slow 3) I'am lazy -.-
LOL , I always find a reason to myself , DAMM IT ! So sorry ! -.-
Alright , Let start now ! What gonna blog about it today ? Is post about I at temple one . It's been so many years I didn't goes to temple already . But , now often went there to 'pai pai' , and pray for my PMR too . I am sure all form 3 student also same like me , will bring along the pencil that will used on exam , and take to the temple for praying .. ('bao ping an ' )
So , The first time I went to temple is with my family and cousin . My cousin and I go praying for our exam , and mum also take this chance to ' suan ming' .. Mum say she very trust it because the person are telling the true .
Okays , It's picture time now !
A Lot of picture gonna share with you . See either my camera skill got improve o not . ^^
====) The First Time ! (===
--) Some picture taken with my cousin while we waiting for our mum.
#1 - Normal Picture of us . Still another ^^
I Love my contact lenses in this picture , Brown colour , banyak cantik . hee
Kiss me , Kiss me . I called you kiss me! haha
Owch , I love my smile in this picture .
(How can I have been so long didn't smile so happy like this ! )
Wow , Thanks cousin for helped me take this picture .
Like it :)
And , Please ingnore my outfir of that day . -.-!
Yerrr , hen ugly . Too simple hor . Just a pink Adidas tee with short pans . LOL
Hao sui bian nyohhhh ..
The Second Time !
Went the temple again with my daddy and mummy ..
Got an event there, called it as' PAPER MONEY ' , You know what ? LOL .
Let see the picture for more clearly , hee. (Just a lot of my camwhore picture -.- )
AND , I went there for whole day , WTH so tired and super hot -.-
Luckily I still have my iphone , ipad and camera to accompany me . At least not so boring at all .
Wake up in the early morning , you can see through my face that I still want to sleep.
My breakfast . A cup of milo panas . :)
So , this is the temple -- 坐佛 ♥
Excually Kelantan have 3 temple same like this one , like 睡佛 , 站佛 and this one .
So , This is what I mentioned just now . ' Paper Money ' .♥
This is Thailand 传统 , have you have see this before at Thaniland ? :0
Wah wah , so many money .
Money for wishes .
Can you see a lot of RM10 , RM 50 and RM 100 here ?
Picture with 'Paper money ', to be memories .
My shoes for that day . It's time to say goodbye to this shoes , cant wear anymore .
LOL my flying hair.
Some picture taken at temple . Nice picture , Like it so much :)
I using 'Camera 360' to editing this all picture . And picture are taken with my iphone 3gs .
Dono why look nice when taking picture in that time , becuase using iphone3gs taking picture are always so blur and not so clearly . #Dislike #
Let see , Let see ! ♥
Mirror mirror .
Mum helped me capture this , like it so much ♥
Idk why the colour look so bright here . #Scary#
This more better !♥
AND have my capuccino blended .
Drink 2 cup in a day .
A happy child are holding her drink . LOL
Dangdang ! I gonna share some shoot that I have taken on that day .
Some pretty flower shooting .
Hope you like it ♥
Nice o not ? I like this so much ! ♥
I very like when camera just will fokus on one thing , and the background will be blur.
How was my camera skill you think ?
Got improve o not ?
SO Now I want to share with you is some of my portait .
Just sui bian capture , because I am too boring .
Hope you will enjoy it too ♥
Here are my accessories of that day .
--) New bracelet from Hatyai , star necklace and New balck sun glasses because of the hot sun.
Here my simple outfit of that day .
Like it ♥
LAst But Not Least , a picture to u all ♥
I like this way ♥
Hope you enjoy reading , I try my best to update more !♥
Goodbye , Happy November tomorrow ~
Please be good to me and you too !♥
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