Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Food Post - Part 2 !

Love my Straight hair , I hope it can stay long :)
Hey guys ! Today I gonna continue blog about the 'food post , Part 2 .
 But , Today I still can't blog finish yet because still have many food wanna share with you , So it's mean that still have other part 3 . ^^
First , The place I gonna share with you all is - Cameron .
Camoron , A place that have many vegetables , tea , flower and strawberry !!
I like going there to relaxing myself , and enjoy the delicious foods .
--) Tomatoes , is healthy for your body . But , I still dislike to eat .(Learn , learn)

      This is really so easy for you , to buy for your friends . (1 boxes RM 3 , 3 boxes RM10)
The Potatoes , Really so yummy .. arghhhh , still hot hot punya .

   ---)   Strawberry , my favourite :) The most famous and should buy in Cameron .

But , I more prefer to --) Strawberry Chocolate !  I tell you guys , I love it so much !! Please don't show me thissss , because I can't control myself and will eat A lot . LOL

A picture for memories , I miss the taste of fresh strawberry chocolate .. Although that mall also got sold it , but the taste cant fight with Cameron one .. Agree ?
Next , Wanna share with you all is the most people 's favourite food . What that ? Can you guess it ?
Tell you , Is Mc Donals and KFC .
But , I like Mcd more than KFC lorrr.. So, are you same with me too ? High five !

Picture taken at outside Mc Donals at Hatyai one .
Sawadee / Sawadeekup . (Sounds like wrong )
GCB , I always just wait for this :)
Like it so much .. No need to order double , because it really so full .

                                                            Eat you , eat you .. ahaha

                             Sometimes , I also will order Spicy chicken burger Mc Deluxe .
                                   But, I hate to eat the vegetables , so I always call them dont put it .

Burger with no vegetables.

When you are lazy go out eat , just a call and will deliver to your house .
--) KFC

#Oreo #Krushers
So less , just half cup nia ..Not enough to me , I wont buy it next time.

Next next , It's about hatyai food .
Hatyai is really so many delicious food with the cheap price .
I just share to you some of the food that I eat before .

燕窝 , fake one . RM 10

Not bad too the taste , 8/10
Susssssshi , many types to let you choose .

                                                                        What I choose one .

                                                                     This also , so yummy !
Pink Ladies complex
 Have sells many big prawn , crab and chicken :)  But , don't order too many , cause price is expensive.
Crabbbb . Sedapp
AND , You should go to 'Floating Market ' , when you are going to Hatyai.
Here sells many delicious food and clothing . Best buy , have many choice let you choose watever.
The most important things is , all are so cheapppppp. !
 It's like they are sitting on the sampan , and sold foods to you . (You no need sit on the sampan)

The cute glasses !
Have so many pattern of classes , to let you choose.
Just bring back if you like it . (Remember to wash it first -.-)
A picture with the cute cup .
Please Attention , I hope you not eating now.
Because I gonna post some geli food . (maybe for you is geli lah)
Dang dang , here the 'special food' .
Would you try it if you have this chance ?
Yes , I try it . I dono why I so dare , maybe because of too curios with the taste .

Ouchhh !!
Let 's eat this !
(A picture to be memories ! )

 Lastly , just stop update at here .
I will try to update often and more . (Try my best )
So , Stay turned for the next post . ^^
Enjoy reading ! Thank you !

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